VANI State wise member List click here         

VANI an apex body of
Voluntary Development Organisations

We are working towards strengthening Voluntary Organisations since 1988

We are committed to promote Accountability and Transparency in the Civil Society

VANI an apex body of
Voluntary Development Organisations

We are working towards strengthening Voluntary Organisations since 1988

We are committed to promote Accountability and Transparency in the Civil Society

  • VANI State wise member List click here
  • Voting List click here
  • Dear Members, We at VANI, are pleased to invite you to an interactive webinar on "FAQs on Social Stock Exchange," scheduled for October 4, 2024 starting at 11.30 AM. Our speaker will be Mr. S. K. Gupta, Chief Executive Officer of ICMAI Social Auditors Organization, who will provide valuable insights on the following topics: Concept of Social Stock Exchange Eligibility for Registration on SSE Benefits of Registering on SSE Fundraising Opportunities for Registered Social Enterprises Compliance and Reporting Requirements for SSE We encourage you to join this important webinar and take advantage of the information shared. It promises to be a valuable opportunity to enhance your understanding of the Social Stock Exchange and its implications for NGOs, CSOs and social enterprises. Don't miss the chance to empower your organization with knowledge that can drive meaningful change! click here
  • Podcast Episode#3 "Empowering Voices: Unveiling the journey of change" We will listen to a transformative journey alongside Mr. Navprabhat, Executive Director, Mount Valley Development Association, sharing about their organization's vision, strategies, success stories and unwavering commitment to girls’ education. click here
  • Podcast Episode#2 "Pioneers of transformation: Seva Mandir’s Journey” Through this captivating conversation, Ms. Laxmi Thakur, Director Programs from Seva Mandir unfurls the journey of Seva Mandir— their audacious vision, and the strategies that breathe life into their mission. click here
  • Podcast Episode#1 "Igniting futures in Jharkhand"Listen to Mr. Awadh Kumar Singh, Director at LEADS, unravels the tapestry of change—the positive shifts that have unfolded over the years. We delve into the challenges they face—the uphill battles that fuel their determination—and the inspiring success stories that light their path. click here
  • We are delighted to share about the "Beti Padhao Samaj Bachao" podcast series launched recently by VANI, on our You tube channel - VANI Perspective. This initiative is a drive for promoting Girls education in India, understanding the importance of keeping our community both informed and actively engaged. click here
  • We are pleased to invite you to an insightful webinar on "CSR Strategies for CSOs" scheduled for June 7, 2024, at 11:30 AM. Kindly register click here
  • VANI is delighted to announce the launch of " (Samvaad), a series of webinars dedicated to exploring pertinent topics within civil society. As valued members of VANI, we invite you to join us for these insightful sessions starting from February 21st, 2024. To know more, STAY TUNED! click here
  • #Episode8 of VANI's podcast series, "She Leads the Way". In this captivating podcast episode, we talk with the distinguished Ms. Maja Daruwala, a renowned human rights advocate who has been working in this sector for over four decades. Ms. Daruwala shares profound insights into her decades-long commitment to advancing human rights, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs she has witnessed throughout her illustrious career. click here
  • Dear members, this is to inform you that, VANI is going to initiate the process of AGM . Please ensure that your organisation is listed in the voting members list and correct details of the voting person is available. The voting list will appear on the VANI website or could be checked from the secretariat. Thanks. click here
  • VANI conducted its AGBM on 24th September 2024 at hybrid. click here
  • CIVIL20 SUMMIT - PARTNERS VANI is proud of being a partner with the C20 secretariat. click here
  • Civil 20 India Summit 2023 On July 29-31, 2023, India hosted the summit of C20 click here
  • VANI Souvenir-Commemorating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav December 2022. click here
  • VANI looking for Interns for CSO capacity building studies click here



Strengthening External Enabling Environment of Voluntary Development Organization

Bolstering Voluntary Sector from Within

Advancing Voluntary Sector through Public Engagement


Case Studies on Good Governance

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Social Security for the CSO frontline workers

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Outstanding Leaders of the Civil Society in India

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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

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Become a Member

As a VANI member you become a part of larger mission and get involved in a partnership and a network, which works towards the common goal and interests of the sector. It enables a positive environment by collecting voices from grassroots to national to a global level.
Membership with VANI provides an extensive selection of services meant to
  • Enhance the capabilities & knowledge of member organisations.
  • Strengthen their overall effectiveness.
  • Provide opportunity to participate in workshops, dialog.
  • Be able to utilize VANI as their voice.
For more information please read VANI Membership Policy and the Code Of Conduct. If you have any queries which are not covered here please don’t hesitate to contact the membership team at -
Join Now



For more information visit PUBLICATIONS


Meaningful Advocacy
  • VANI played a critical role to advocate for and widely disseminate Model Bill for Society Registration among the state level networks.

  • The Indian Voluntary Sector, through VANI, proposed the historic Alternative National Budget, an unfathomed move amidst TINA campaign (There is no alternative) of the government. This was later acknowledged by the then Prime Minister of India Mr. P V Narisimha Rao

  • Advocacy initiative under Lokpal Bill resulted in relaxation in government’s ask for personal information disclosure of governing board members and their family members
Building Compliances
  • After the amendment of FCRA act, VANI conducted FCRA Clinics around the country to de-mystify law, create awareness and prepare the voluntary organisations (especially grass-root level organisations) about the changed requirements and their adherence.

  • VANI was closely associated with Planning Commission to develop and disseminate the National Policy for the Voluntary Sector.

Global Initiatives--
Global Initiatives
  • Civil Society (which are primarily issue focussed) to involve seriously in the monitoring of implementation of SDGs.

  • VANI is a member of international Networks like Forus (formerly known as International Forum for National Platforms (IFP), CIVICUS, Affiliation Group of National Associations (AGNA), Asia Development Alliance (ADA), Asia Democratic Network. It has partnered with International Civil Society Centre, Accountable Now and few other global networks to draft Global Standard for CSO Accountability.

  • VANI is the founding member of Forum for Indian Development Co-operation (FIDC) for exploring the various facets of development co-operation. VANI partnered with FIDC and organised CIVIL BRICS.

  • In addition, VANI has been drawing attention of the voluntary sector to monitor social implications of international development partnerships including BBIN, BIMSTECH, Blue Economy.

Our Members

* Anusandhan Trust     * World vision india     * CSE-Centre for Science and Environment     * Gram Vikas     * CINI-Child In Need Institute     * SOS,kinderdorf International     * Child Fund India     * CRY-Child Rights And You     * Koshish Milap Trust     * Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)     * DEEPALAYA     * Reaching the Unreached     * The Action North East Trust     * CECOEDECON Agro Action Development Centre, Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society CECOEDECON     * People for Ethical Treatment of Animal India (PETA)     * Nari O Shishu Kalyan Samiti     * Regenboog India Foundation     * Association for Rural Community Development (ARCOD)     * Healing Fields Foundation     * Khushboo Welfare Society (KWS)     * Mobile Creshes for Working Mothers Children     * Society for Public Education Cultural Training & Rural Action (Spectra)     * J & K Yateem Trust Srinagar (jkyts)     * SIPA-Federation of South India Producer Associations     * Native Medicare Charitable Trust     * Social Welfare Agency & Training Institute (SWATI)     * Nirman     * Agaragami India     * Ambelal Heinrich Memorial Trust (AHM Trust)     * Rural Education and Action Development (READ)     * Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS)     * Breakthrough Trust     * Jan Vikas Samiti     * Global Cancer Concern India     * Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal     * Apeksha Homeo Society     * Gram Chetna Kendra     * SHEPHERD-Self Help Promotion for Health and Rural Development     * AFARM-Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra     * Life Education & Development Support Support (Leads)     * Yuva Rural Association     * Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra     * Shri Ram Foundation Seva Sansthan     * Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems-CIKS     * Urmul Rural Health Research and Development Trust     * SAHAYOG SOCIETY for PARTICIPATORY RURAL DEVELOPMENT     * Gramium     * Utthana     * Mure Memorial Hospital     * Humanitarian Aid international     * Disha Social Organisation     * Youth for Social Development (YSD)     * Swedish organisation for individul relief (SOIR-IM)     * Islamic Relief and Research Trust of Kashmir     * Gramin Vikas Parishad Pathal Gaon     * Social Action For Community Alternative Learning (SACAL)     * Centre for Social Reconstruction     * St.Thomas Charitable & Ecucational Trust     * Suraksha     * COVA-Confederation of Voluntary Association     * Development Support Team (DST)     * Yuva Gram Vikas Mandal     * Development Cell     * Bijapur Integrated Rural Development Society (Birds)     * JanaKalyan Pratisthan     * Society for Development Activities-SDA     * Concept Society     * LJK- Lok Jagriti Kendra     * North East Diocesan Social Service Society     * EKTA     * RSCD-Resource & Support Centre for Development     * VIDIYAL     * Participatory Action for Sustainable Dev. Organisation (PASDO)     * Sarvahitkari shiksha Prasar samiti     * SOCIAL ACTION FOR APPROPRIATE TRANSFORMATION AND ADVANCEMENT IN RURAL AREAS. -SATRA     * Warsi Sewa Sadan     * Unnati Institute for Social and Educational Change     * SOCIETY FOR PRAGATI BHARAT     * Comprehensive Rural Health Project     * Lok shakti Samiti Raigarh     * Navodaya Seva Sangam     * Social Education for Women's Awareness (SEWA)     * Center for Social Security Action & Research     * UTTARANCHAL YOUTH & RURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE     * Charkha     * Sahyogini     * Ashoka trust for Research in Ecology and the environment     * Adarsh Yuva Samiti     * Dharohar Vikas Sansthan (DVS)     * Sambandh     * Self-Employed Workers Association Kendra (SEWAK)     * Sarvodaya Samaj Kalyan Samiti     * SHAPE INDIA     * Grameen Vikas Samiti     * Sahbhagi Jan Kalyan Sansthan     * Madhyanchal Forum     * Individual     * OXFAM INDIA     * RAILWAY CHILDREN INDIA (RCI)     * GOONJ     * Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF)     * Rural Development Trust (RDT)     * Church's Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)     * Development Alternatives     * National Foundation For India     * PRAYAS     * Seva Mandir     * Help Age India     * Charities Aid Foundation India (CAF)     * Save The Children     * SM Sehgal Foundation     * Mount Valley Development Association     * Environment & People     * SAMARTHAN - Centre for Development Support     * Centre for Youth Developments & Activities     * CYSD-Centre for Youth & Social Development     * NYSASDRI-National Youth Service Action & Social Development Research Institute     * Peoples Action for National Intergration (PANI)     * SAHBHAGI SHIKSHAN KENDRA     * Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI)     * The Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR)     * Consumer Unity & Trust Society     * The Timbaktu Collective     * Participatory Action for Community Empowerment     * Amhi Amchya Arogyasathi     * New Education Group-Foundation For Innovation and Research in Education (NEG Fire)     * PRIA-Society for Participatory Research in Asia     * Pragya     * Action For Food Production (Afpro)     * Udayan Care     * MYRADA     * Braille Without Borders (BWB)     * Centre for Rural Studies and Development     * Sankalp Sanskritik Samiti     * Bal Mahila Vikas Samiti     * Indian Institute of Youth Welfare     * RCDC-Regional Centre for Development Cooperation     * VIKASH     * Youth Council for Development Alternatives (YCDA)     * JAGRUTI     * South Orissa Voluntary Action     * Astha Sansthan     * Akhil Bhartiya Samaj Sewa Sansthan     * HARC-Himalayan Action Research Centre     * Integrated Development Foundation (IDF)     * Karwar Rural Women and Children Development Society (KRWCDS)     * North east research & social work networking (NERSWN)     * Gramin samassya Mukti trust     * Vikas Sahyog Pratishthan     * Bhartiya Jan Utthan parishad     * Bihar Voluntary Health Association     * Sahbhagi Samaj Sewi Sanstha     * Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan     * Yuva Mitra     * Sosva Training And Promotion Institute     * Abhivruddi Society for Social Development Tumkur     * Centre Direct     * National Institute for Rural Development, Education, Social upliftment and Health (NIRDESH)     * Shiv Shiksha Samiti Ranoli     * Fare Trade Forum-India     * Mahila Development Centre     * Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA)     * Opportunity Foundation Trust AVASAR     * PATANG     * GRAMIN VIKAS SAMITI INDIA(GVSI)     * Indivudual     * Indivudual     * Indivudual     * Socio Research & Refourm Foundation     * Individual     * LIFEWORLD FOUNDATION     * Malda Sahayogita Samiti-MSS     * Jawahar Jyoti Bal Vikas Kendra-JJBVK     * Rah Society     * individual     * Individual     * Vasavi Educational Society     * Mahiti Rural Development Centre     * Vivekananda Girijana Kalyan Kendra     * SEARCH-Society for Education, Rupcon Division     * Utkal Sevak Samaj     * Viswa Yuva Kendra     * Samajik Seva Sadan     * LIPICA-Lower Income Peoples Involvement for Community Action     * MASS-Manav Adhikar Seva Samitee     * Society for Education & Welfare Activities (SEWA)     * Mahila Shiksha Kalyan Evam Prashikshan Parishad     * NEW LIFE     * Upman Mahila Sansthan - Jhanshi     * Sadayanodai Ilaignar Narpani Mandram (SINAM)     * Grameen yuva pragatik mandal     * Vikas Dhara Vidha Mahila Sansthan     * Village Development Society (VDS)     * Vidarbha Nature Conservation Society     * Asha     * Satya Special School     * Navjyoti Monovikas Kendra     * Centre for Rural Education and Development     * KALYANI LIE INSTITUTE     * Tara Project